Tuesday, October 13, 2015

OUGD401 Study Task 1 Image Analysis Exercise

On Wednesday the 7th of October we had our first context of practice exercise. We began by looking at what visual literacy means. 

Our ideas of what visual literacy is:
  • Images representing ideologies, mood, feelings, portraying a meaning / purpose, aesthetics.
  • Visual storytelling
  • Communicating
  • Different types of information
  • Reading an image
Comparing and contrasting the two images:

1. The Uncle Sam Range (1876) Advertising Image by Schumacher & Ettlinger, New York.

2. Empire Marketing Board - 'East African Transport Old Style' and 'East African Transport     New Style' by Adrian Allinson.

The first image is clearly hand drawn and uses a serif font which reflects the time period. The image is actually unclear as there is so much going on, there is also a lot of hidden text that isn't legible unless you look very very closely. It also seems very unorganised like they have tried to cram in as much as they possibly can. This contrasts against the second image as its is cleanly printed due to the advance in printing at the time. Therefore it can also be easily reproduced whereas image one would be time consuming and very hard to do. The second image uses modern type in sans serif form which immediately gives the image a more modern look that can be easily reproduced. Arrangement has also been more thought out in the second image, things have been placed in certain ways to influence the viewer and so that it is clear and bold.

Within the first image a women can be seen serving the food which indicates the gender equality at the time, women were only really associated with domestic responsibility. There is also a slave half in the picture representing the upper class, as having a slave shows wealth and power. This clearly indicates who the target audience for this advertisement is, the upper class. The clothes and the fine food hint at the wealth and shows how it is beneficial to them. Compared with the second image which is very thought out and set up in way which makes the viewer think that the new way of trading actually helps them as much as it helps you. Workers can be seen working happily in the new style of transport and it does not show any women or children hinting that it is actually safer for them. They can also be seen now wearing clothes. This social engineering helps the viewer to believe this to be beneficial and an improvement to both parties when that is unlikely to be the case.

In the first image there is a large amount of imported foods and there is an indication of a celebration. This portrays to the viewer that this is a positive and good thing and that America are able to feed there people with an abundance of food. America is shown in a very bias standing, showing they are in power and they are actually helping the world, bringing it together. The clock in the picture also refers to independence and the people round the table reflect a united America. This exaggerates to the viewer that America is the country that is changing the world and this is how you can do your bit as an american to help. The cartoon style is very in your face, boastful, showing how proud america are and how patriotic you should be to your country.

Finally the second image is very western directed, aiming to appeal to white people. The before and after effect of the poster series really emphasises that we are helping to develop and improve their country - look how much better it is. This will appeal to people as it seems more civilised something worth investing money into. What is clear within both is the exaggeration of what things are actually like, they are both set up and no necessarily truthful.

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