Monday, January 8, 2018

OUGD601 Practical Crit (Feedback and ideas)


Today I presented my ideas to my crit group, going with a written brief helped people to better understand what I am trying to achieve with my COP practical. I was able to present a lot more clearly and I showed them some of my initial sketch ideas. 


- Turn the warning label idea into stickers that could be put over advertisements - this encourages people to take part and become an activist - interactive - encourages shareability - better understanding of the issue - photoshop sticker.

- Make the campaign interactive as this will help to appeal to a younger audience - something that could be shared via social media.

- The emoji idea could show a before and after of an edited/altered emoji to show the effects of photoshopping in a more comical way.

- Create a snapchat filter to emphasise campaign - encourage people to take part / reject negative advertising techniques.

- Digital stickers - shareable - social media

- Certified sticker - photoshopping has been used 

- Create a # campaign / use celebrities 

- Instagram account which has a feed of people taking part and using the stickers in context - helps to really drive awareness and increase chance of the campaign having and impact and sparking conversation.

Overall I found this feedback so much more useful than my initial crit session, I think because people could better understand what I was trying to do it helped me to gain more  useful feedback. I really like the idea of creating a shareable campaign via social media as it seems the most appropriate to target my audience. The sticker activism idea gets people more involved rather than just seeing something, people can take part and reject the negative aspects that advertising promotes. Im going to start coming up with some design concepts for the warning labels / stickers and then how I can further develop this campaign beyond just producing stickers.

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