Friday, January 19, 2018

OUGD601 Practical Design (Social media)


Social media:
The target audience range is between 16-25 and the best way to communicate to this audience in a digital age is through social media. An element of this campaign is to encourage viewers to take part and reject ads which promote harmful physical and psychological problems. By getting people to place stickers over negative advertisements it increases the awareness and communicates the message to a much wider audience. It helps people to understand the issues in a humorous way which will increase how memorable the campaign is. Overall it creates a louder voice to communicate the message and people will be able to interact and take part.


Through instagram people will be encouraged to use the stickers and place them over ads that they feel has a negative impact on society. Through the hashtag '#adwarning' people will be able to share their pictures of where they have placed the stickers.

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