Sunday, January 14, 2018

OUGD601 Practical Design (Sticker mockups with colour)


Sticker mockups with colour:
I want to keep the colours in line with warning labels to keep that sense of familiarity and connect it with an official/realistic warning so as to grab attention. From my research I have noticed colours which are commonly used, which include:
- Black (text and outlines)
- Yellow (background)
- Orange (background)
- Red (background)
- White (background)

The colours need to be bright, bold and vivid to attract attention.

Colour pallet:

Yellow (f1ea2f)

Orange (f57f20)

Black (000000)

Red (ec2524)

Design one

Looking at current colour combinations for this design the standard is to have the warning on an orange background, although there are variations on either a yellow symbol or orange. I think the yellow symbol works more effectively at grabbing attention and enhancing the 'warning'.

Design two

The symbol is usually kept a yellow colour, I think the background will work better on a white background however, it might work better as a poster on yellow.

Design three

I think the red stands out the most and will be able to quickly grab attention.

Design four

I think that the last colour combination with the filled in block skull makes it look more sinister and it stands out.

Design five

Yellow is usually associated with caution, and I think the black and yellow provide a high contrast which stands out.

Design six

I think that the first colour combination is the most effective as the red helps to highlight the 'Disclaimer'.

Design seven

Based on the toxic warning design I think that this is the most appropriate combination which works with the other design.

Design eight

I really like having the triangle in the same colours as the photoshop icon, this helps to keep it obvious what it is referencing and will make recognition easier.

Design nine

The first design works the most appropriately as it is in the same colours as the sign would be.

Design ten

Similar to the 'Disclaimer' I think the first design works the best at highlighting the importance.

Design eleven

The filled in shopping bag creates more of an impact.

Design twelve

This style is usually in black and white so I want to keep it the same to keep it as recognisable as possible.

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