Saturday, April 16, 2016

OUGD401 Aldi vs The brand

I wanted to look in more depth at the similarities in packaging design between Aldi's products and established brands. Im looking at how Aldi is producing high street copycats.

I have found lot's of useful information from this daily mail article.

This box of cereal uses the same colour scheme and even has the same monkey character just presented in a slightly different way.

All of these products have the same thing in common, they are extremely similar in design to the well known brands. This is done because people will associate it with the established brand and think that it is a good product.

Stimulus Generalisation:
In classical conditioning, an association is learned between two stimuli. In the classic experiments of Ivan Pavlov, dogs learned an association between the sound of a tone and food, in which the tone signaled that food was coming very soon. As a result, the dogs would salivate in response to only hearing the tone. In this example, the tone is considered the conditioned stimulus, and the salivation in response to hearing just the tone is considered the conditioned response.

Another outcome of classical conditioning is stimulus generalization, which happens when the organism that is being conditioned learns to associate other similar stimuli with the conditioned stimulus; the organism displays the conditioned response as a consequence of being exposed to similar stimuli. If we go back to the example of Pavlov's dogs, stimulus generalization would occur if the dog began to salivate in response to another type of sound that's similar to the tone, such as a doorbell or wind chimes, even though it was never directly conditioned to respond to those specific sounds.

(Taken from

This explains the psychological reasons why a consumer would be inclined to pick up one of aldis copycats. Yet when it comes to comparing aldi's product with the actual brand people would be inclined to buy the real design because aldi's brand looks cheaper and not as well designed. I want to see if changing aldi's brand from being a copycat to being originally designed has an impact on influence.

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